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about Globalisation




Globalisation has significantly affected a variety of changes among countries throughout the world. It has generated increasing quantity and a range of cross-border trades in goods and services. In particular, it has brought about the movement of people. Because of cheaper travel and information and communication technologies, migration is easier than ever before. As a result, people living in the outside of their countries are increasing rapidly. This has impacted on the economic development of countries of origin. Although people in the countries of origin can have various economic benefits, especially by migrants sending remittances, migration is not a significant element for economic development in those countries.
Global remittances sent by migrants can contribute the economies of countries of origin. According to Sassen (2000:17), the remittances of migrants were up to about US$70 billion in 1998. Through these remittances, recipients can improve their quality of life relating to their economies intimately. Meyers (1998:1) points out that they generally use the remittances to buy basic needs, such as food and clothing and improve housing. These growths in family life can affect the economies of countries of origin due to the increasing of income.

참고 자료

Bernard, P., (2006), “Mali counts the cost of migration”, Guardian Weekly, 6-12 Jan, 2006

ECLAC (2002) “International Migration and Globalization”, Globalization and Development, April, 2002

Meyers, D. W., (1998), “Migrant Remittances to Latin America”, May, 1998, Available at: http://www.thedialogue.org/publications/meyers.html

Papademetriou, D. G., (1998), “Myths and Realities”, The Unesco Courier, Paris, November 1998, Vol. 51, Issue 11, pg 18

Sassen, S., (2000), “Women’s Burden: Counter-Geographies Of Globalization And The Feminization of Survival”, Journal of International Affairs, spring, 2000, Vol.53, Issue 2, pg. 503, 22 pgs
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