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인터넷과 언어파괴에 관한 분석 자료 - Internet is changing our language (영문)

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최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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인터넷과 언어파괴에 관한 분석 자료인, `Internet is changing our langauge` 입니다.
영어권에서 일어나는 인터넷 상 언어 변화와 한국에서 일어나는 언어변화에 관한 글입니다.
본문 및 참고자료는 한글이 아니라 아니라 영어로 쓰여있으며 단락은 더블 스페이스로 띄여 있습니다.


1. 서문

2. 본문
1) New vocabulary on the internet is the first factor that changes our language.
2) Not only we are adding new words in our vocabulary, but also we are having collapsed language on the net.
3) There are some cases that shows possible language breakdown which is caused by the internet language.

3. 결론


Have you experienced that you heard of Java and thought of coffee? Or have you never understood what others say in the internet chat room? If you have had those experiences, you have experienced changing of language. The internet, which is now the famous and familiar medium of our days, is making so many tweaks on our language now. Then, what kinds of property of the internet do change our language? Those are following two factors; new vocabulary, and collapsed language on the internet. And there comes a problem called language breakdown with those factors.
New vocabulary on the internet is the first factor that changes our language. You can find that familiar terms are used in another meaning in the internet. Like teenager peer groups make their own languages, the internet creates its own terms. According to the article New Meanings, Old Words (2004), the internet has created other meanings on existing words. For example, word “avatar” originally means a representation of God in superhuman or animal form in the Hindu religion, but in the internet, that word means an icon or an image which represents you in the cyberspace. And word “samurai” means an ancient Japanese warrior, but you will find that the word refers to a computer hacker hired legally infiltrate corporate computer systems for legitimate reasons in the internet. Beside that, word “java” originally means an island of Indonesia or brewed coffee but the internet has changed its meaning to the name of programming language which is for creating interactive web pages. You may smile at an icon of small coffee mug appearing at the left-bottom of your monitor as you access to web pages which use Java technology or you can easily understand the word avatar as you know avatar originally means incarnation of the Hindu gods and now it shows incarnation of you in the internet,

참고 자료

Baron, N. (2005, July). Instant messaging and the Future of Language. Communications of the ACM, 48, 29-31. Retrieved November 9, 2005 from EBSCO.
Genn, A. (2005, September). In the workplace, IMs language doesnt work. Long Island Business News, 52. Retrieved November 9, 2005 from EBSCO.
IM Speak. (2004, March). Clergy Journal, 80, 24-24. Retrieved November 9, 2005 from EBSCO.
Is Txt Mightier Than The Sword? (2003, March). Retrieved November 9, 2005 from http://news.bbc.co.uk
Netspeak changes how we write. (2001, November). Toronto Star, 7, Retrieved November 9, 2005 from EBSCO.
New meanings, old words. (2004). Writing, 27, 6. Retrieved November 9, 2005 from EBSCO.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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인터넷과 언어파괴에 관한 분석 자료 - Internet is changing our language (영문)
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