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The Major Difference and Difficulty: For Korean students in acquiring English pronunciation and Suggestion

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


This article presents the major difficulty and difference for Korean L1 learners who have decided to learn English as a target language.



II. To investigate and analyze the differences between Korean and English which deals with the problems of the emergence of Korean sounds in pronouncing English.

III. To point out transfer errors and adaption of English pronunciation by Korean learners.
IV. To investigate the traditional way of teaching and learning condition about how to pronounce and to compare it with current situation in Korea.
V. To suggest how to overcome the problems and what phonemes Korean learners should focus on more.




This article presents the major difficulty and difference for Korean L1 learners who have decided to learn English as a target language. This article was organized based on previous 3 articles. English has been a very important subject in Korea. However, there are huge differences between Korean and English, because of that factor, Korean student often struggle with acquiring English as a second language. In order to help the Korean learners, this study was performed. The purpose of this article is following: 1) to investigate and analyze the differences between Korean and English which deals with the problems of the emergence of Korean sounds in pronouncing English. 2) to point out transfer errors and adaption of English pronunciation by Korean learners. 3) to investigate the traditional way of teaching and learning condition about how to pronounce and to compare it with current situation in Korea. 4) to suggest how to overcome the problems, and what phonemes Korean learners should focus on more. Even though this article dealt with the only phonemes, /θ, f. v. ð/, which have no close equivalent in Korea, this article attempt to shed some light on how to study the most difficult sounds in English, because Korean learners want and need an appropriate instruction and they look forward to improve their pronunciation.

참고 자료

Jang, Y. S. (2009). Applying Audio/Video Data Processing Programs for the Improvement of English Listening Proficiency of Adult EFL Learners. 영어영문학연구, 51(3), 363-384.
Kim, T. C. (2005). Korean Adaptations of English Pronunciation. STUDIES IN ENGLISH EDUCATION, 10(2), 127-134.
Lee, H. (2002). Transfer Errors in English Pronunciation by Korean Speakers. STUDIES IN ENGLISH EDUCATION, 3(2), 68-82.
Lee, V. (2005). Improving Pronunciation is Possible. English Teaching, 60(1), 15.
Park, J. K. (2009). Korean Secondary Teachers` Perception of Teaching English Pronunciation for International Communication. STUDIES IN ENGLISH EDUCATION, 14(2), 30-53.
Son, S. (2008). Suggestive Pedagogical Implications: How should L2 pronunciation be taught? 현대영어영문학(구 영어영문학연구), 52(4), 303-325.
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The Major Difference and Difficulty: For Korean students in acquiring English pronunciation and Suggestion
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