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Use of IS in Daelim E&C

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Use of IS in Daelim E&C

and about EVMS and IVM


1. Introduction

2. Supply Chain Management

3. Information System in DAELIM E&C

1) Present usage of IS
① Purchasing process(Bidding)
② Material Managing
③ Sales

2) On-going and coming use of IS
(Building Information Modeling)
(Earned Value Management System)

4. Conclusion


1. Introduction
Speed matters. In this 21st century, speed always takes a significant role in every part of our life. Especially for business organizations, speed, even though it involves additional cost at most of the times, brings much more profit in the long run. In this regard, the development of Information System (IS) has contributed a lot to reduce time in many business entities resulting in efficiency which leads to higher profitability. Construction Industry is no exception. By adopting IS, it not only has reduced the construction duration but it also strengthened the accuracy of the entire process.
Daelim E&C E&C, which is a Korean construction company, is one of the earliest players to adopt IS technology. In the late 1990s, for instance, the company already developed its own computer-based accounting management program. Today, Daelim E&C E&C is always trying to be the pioneer by utilizing as well as inventing its own IS through Daelim E&C I&S, which is a IS company within Daelim E&C group. Daelim E&C E&C prefers to develop its own needed software by rather than outsource.
The pioneer, Daelim E&C E&C was established in 1939. It is ranked in the 5th place in Korea in terms of the construction ability evaluated by the Construction Association of Korea (CAK). Daelim E&C has been one of the key construction companies in Korea as one can tell by its works; the main stadium of 1988 Seoul Olympics, Seoul Court House Complex, National Assembly House, and West Sea Bridge

참고 자료

1. The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry. SCM business review. http://scm.korcham.net
2. 2003 Daelim E&C Annual Report http://dart.fss.or.kr/
3. In-depth interview with Won-kwon Kim(a general manager in daelim I&S) and Mi-ae Ahn(a senior manager in daelim I&S).
4. Practical cases of cooperation system in BIM , Eonyong Kim, Junam Lee, In-han Kim 2005.
5. http://www.earnedvaluemanagement.com/
6. Daelim E&C www.daelim.co.kr
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