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Do men and women speak differently? 여자와 남자의 말하기 방식은 다른가?

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5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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This book (Goddard & Patterson, 2000, p.86) shows various ideas about how men and women use language and in particular, how they differ in their language use. The authors found that men and women greatly differ in their speech style. In fact, men and women choose different vocabularies and lexical variations. These variations are caused by the different cognitive models which come from cultural concepts.

The news article by Magnier (2003, p. 14) supports Carter and Goddard (2000, pp. 54-91) by giving an example about the differences in men and women’s speech style in Japan. Because of Confucianism and Buddhism which prescribe the role of women as daughters, wives and mothers, women still have many limitations when they actually use language. These believe have had an influence on Japanese society for a long time and effect the way women speak. For example, the way they use various words and tone of their voice. The old generation of women under the protection of their father or husband, they did not work and study like men and received economic and other restriction from men,

참고 자료

Hoing, AS n.d., Gender difference in learning to talk. Retrieved May 20, 2007, from

Goddard, A & Patterson, LM 2000, Language and gender, London ; New York : Routledge.

Magnier, M 2003, ‘Japanese women and language’, Los Angeles Times, 21 November, p. 14.

Mills, S 2003, Gender and politeness, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.
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Do men and women speak differently? 여자와 남자의 말하기 방식은 다른가?
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