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[인문]영화 쏘우 (SAW) Human`s real character

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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미국에서 교환학생으로있는 학생입니다.
이 문서는 작문시간에 영화 SAW 를 보고 직접 쓴것으로 미국 친구가 미국식 표현으로 바로잡아주었으며 당당히 A를 받은 리포트입니다.영화 SAW의 색체와 영상에 중점을 두고 쓴글이며 영어작문이 필요한분들에게 좋을듯합니다.




Why do people like to watch horror or thriller Movies? Do you not think it is strange? People are scared about horror and thriller movies, but the genre has the biggest number of fans, the most important reason people like to watch horror movies is that they can get vicarious satisfaction from the movie. I also like horror movies. That is why I selected the “Saw Series” directed by James Wan, who is from Australia, released in 2004. The movies are very famous as reversal movies, and it is evaluated good reversal movies by the audiences. The movies also made lots of money without big stars, and people value that it is because of good scenario and actor’s moving. To be sure it has defects like that it has too bloody stuff, brutality and dirty, so Saw Series have many point of dispute. The plot started with a story like this……..
Hyunseok 2
Two guys named Adam and Dr. Gordon wake up in a bathroom which is very strange, then they realized that there is a dead body covered in blood, a gun and cassette tape player, so everything is strange and scary to them; they can not leave because they are chained up, then they scream because of this situation, but there are instruction left on a cassette tape and it is in Dr. Gordon’s pocket; It orders Dr.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문]영화 쏘우 (SAW) Human`s real character
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