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summary of each chapter(Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak)

Chapter 1: Moscow, 1901
Yury`s mother died. Yury Andreyevich Zhivago was an orphan even though his father still alive, had gone to Siberia. His father spent the family`s millions on bad business, women and alcohol. He is now leaving Moscow with his brother, Nicolay Nicolayevich Vedenyapin and his Uncle Kolya, religious man with political ideas of his time and write an important books that guided the thinking many people during Russia`s coming revolutionary year.

Chapter 2. Summer 1903.
Yury and Uncle Kolya travels to Duplyanka, beautiful, large estate places which reminds Yury of his mother. One day Yury met Misha Gordan travelling with his father to Moscow. Yury and Misha become friends. There was well-known lawyer, Victor Ippolitovich Komarovsky and his client, the famous Zhivago, Yury`s father. Yury`s father killed himself. Uncle Kolya sent Yury Moscow to live with Gromeko family. Gromeko`s daughter, Tonya became Yury`s closest friend.
Chapter 3. 1905
Larissa Fyodorovna Guisher and her brother live in a small room in Moscow.
Lara`s mother had an appointment with Komarovsky to go to a party but she can`t because of her illness. Instead, She encourage Komarovsky to take Lara. Komarovsky introduce Lara as his niece. Soon Lara was fell for his skillful temptation. Lara`s best friend Pavel Pavlovich Antipov known as Pasha would not understand or accept her double life. Pasha loved Lara very deeply. On October 17th, the Tsar Nicolas II had signed the agreement which give land to the peasants but never put into practice.

Chapter 4. January, 1906
At that time in Moscow, there are strike went on. people wondered what would happen to their family and future. Misha was upset because he recognised the man. It was Komarovsky, the man who had been with Yury`s father when he committed suicide. The relationship between the man and the girl, Lara Fyodorovna Guisher, made Yury feel uncomfortable. Later Lara Fyodorvna Guisher would be the most important person in Yury`s life.

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