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everymen 보고 쓴 작품.




Everyman is a play of late 15th century based on the belief of Christianity as a religion. However, it`s not called a religious play, but morality play. In the culture of middle age, neither concrete individual nor personality had his own liberal idea because most of the Europeans were controled by the dogma of Catholic Church. Thus, everyman, in this era, had similar thoughts of the religion so that his or her life could be described by allegorical characters symbolizing the stereotypes of the society. The characters of the play are the symbols that show parts of a man, that is to say, allegorical symbols of Christian society.
Morality characters represent abstract ideas such as God, death, personified good-deeds, faith, knowledge and so on. The main subject of Everyman can be death. For everyman lived as if he or she can live forever without death. Everyman in the world, ancient or modern, has pursued worldly pleasures, ignoring the spiritual or moral values. Human beings are inclined to submit to the temptation of the worldly pleasures. In this play, the audience must be shocked by the frailty of them because modern people disregard the importance of after life in comparison with present life. The process of everyman`s getting salvation, in this play, gives us the wisdom for living in this materialistic society of life as well as the lesson that we need in choosing life`s journey with correspondence of God.
In the beginning, the Messenger explains over the length and breadth of the flow of content of the play. According to his message, he visits him to explain the calling of God. God got mad at everyman because people committed sins by immersing in their pleasures.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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