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[국제무역]A Study of Korea’s FTA Partner Choice Based on Economic Criteria:Analysis of Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (RCA) and Tariff

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대학원 시절의 Term Paper 입니다.
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1. Introduction
2. Main Economic Criteria for Determining Proper FTA Partners
3. Analysis of Korea’s FTA Choice Based on Economic Criteria
(1) Korea and New Zealand’s RCA
(2) Korea and Japan’s RCA
(3) Korea and China’s RCA
4. Conclusion and Implication


In recent years, a striking feature of international trade relations is the growth of regionalism due to the widening and deepening of regional trade agreements, and FTA (Free Trade Agreement) becomes a new buzzword all over the world these days. According to the WTO, there are 250 RTAs have been notified to the GATT/WTO up to December 2002, and the number of FTA has been reached to more than 150 . It is no exaggeration to say that the world economy is facing an FTA era.
However, Northeast Asia, one of the major regions in world trade arena has not actively joined in this global trend of integration based on regional proximity until very recently. The increasing globalization and integration of world markets are generating pressure on Asian economies, as more and more regions leave behind their inward-looking policies and look outward for sustainable development and growth. Japan has concluded its first bilateral FTA in 2000 with Singapore, and it finalized discussions on an FTA with Mexico. Currently, it is trying to negotiate individual bilateral agreement with Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines by 2005, as well as a separate FTA with ASEAN as a whole. Meanwhile, China has also started to pursue regional strategies by using FTAs: It signed a framework agreement with ASEAN in 2002, and concluded negotiations in 2004.

참고 자료

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Rosung Kwak and Dojoon Park (2005) “Trade Structure, and the Export Competitiveness and Complementarity among Korea and ASEAN Countries” KATIS International Academic Symposium

Sang-yirl Nam, KIEP Working Paper 200-02 (2000) “ Competition and Complementarity in Northeast Asian Trade: Korea’s Perspective”

Inkyo Cheng (1999) KIEP “Economic Integration in Northeast Asia: Searching for a Feasible Approach” KIEP Working Paper 99-25

John Weiss 2004, “People’s Republic of China and Its Neighbors: Partners of Competitors for Trade and Investment?” ADB Institute Discussion Paper No.13

박찬일(2001), “한국과 중국의 무역구조 및 품목별 수출경쟁력 비교분석” 한국경제연구학회, 한국경제연구, 제7권

“한일 자유무역협정의 경제적 효과와 바람직한 정책방향”, 대외경제정체연구원(2001)

유관영, 임천석, “한일 경제관계의 변화와 FTA문제”, 한국국제통상학회, 국제통상연구, 제4권1호, 1999

이수연, 박미화, 김나영 (2001) “실증적 분석을 통한 한국의 FTA 체결 대상국 선정기준 제시: 중력모형에 기초한 회귀부석 및 현시비교 우위 분석”

정인교 등, 대외경제정책연구원(2003), “한중일FTA의 추진당위성과 선행과제”경제사회연구회 소관기관, FTA협동연구시리즈 03-02
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[국제무역]A Study of Korea’s FTA Partner Choice Based on Economic Criteria:Analysis of Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (RCA) and Tariff
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