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[미국문화- 흑인을 중심으로]로스앤젤레스 흑인 폭동에 대해-영어로 작성

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


로스엔젤레스 흑인 폭동에 대해 쓴 글입니다. 영어로 썻지만, 작문실력 안 좋습니다;;

그렇지만, 흑인 폭동의 발생원인과 미국에서의 흑인에 대해 나름 심도있게 조사하였고 거기에 저의 생각도 덧붙였습니다.

자료 참고용으로 봐 주세요~




U. S. Culture: A Mini Research Project Proposal

"The Black People's riot in Los Angeles"

The topic indicated who are the American black people and What makes them to American black people. I recently obtained about Los Angeles and during obtaining times, I knew an accident in Los Angeles, the black people's fighting to Koreans and other Asian peoples. But Korean's damage was mostly numerous. Having seen that accident I thought about the American Black People, and wanted to know why this accident happened.

In these days, The America represents 'Freedom' in many ways. However Billions of other nation people probably against that. Nevertheless, I think, at least American constituter think so, trust that, even other americans don't agree that. ( As you know, when they started the Iraq War, America shouted "Freedom for all the world!" ) But America, itself, does not keep freedom. deep distinction exists in America now and one of the most serious distinction is the black people distinction. American black people haven't freedom and situation go to serious as the day goes on. I wonder why America has this double side thinking.

With this question in mind, I will study about the Black people's fighting in Los Angeles, linking with their background such as American History, culture and diverse race issues. And I will point to the American black people's identity too.

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[미국문화- 흑인을 중심으로]로스앤젤레스 흑인 폭동에 대해-영어로 작성
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