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[영작문] 관광가이드가 되어 다른 나라 관광객 안내하기

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


사진과 함께 관광명소를 소개한 영작문입니다.


♠ First Day
① Saenamteo Catholic Church
② Yongsan Clergy Cemetery
③ Yongsan Seminary
④ Mt. Jeoldusan Martyr Holy Ground
⑤ Myeongdong Cathedral
⑥ Myeongdong

♠ Second Day
① Changdeokgung Palace and Huwon
② Royal Guards Changing Ceremony
③ Jongmyo Royal Shrine
④ Insa-dong

♠ Third Day
① Gyeongbokgung Palace
② Gwanghwamun
③ Hanbok Museum


♠ First Day

Guide : Hi! How was last night? Did you sleep well? Ok..Welcome to Korea!! I`m very glad to see you. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Hyo-sook, Lee. But I know it`s very difficult for you to pronounce. So call me Ally, it`s my English name. I am the Korea international guide. And I am a Roman Catholic, too. So I could be good guide to your pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Then, let me know your schedule. For the first time, we`ll go Saenamteo Catholic Church. Next, we`ll go Yongsan Clergy Cemetery and Yongsan Seminary. Then, we`ll have lunch. Korean Royal Cuisine is menu for today. In the afternoon, we`ll go Mt. Jeoldusan Martyr Holy Ground. Lastly, we`ll go Myeongdong Cathedral and we`ll go to mass there. And we`ll eat dinner and go shopping in Myeongdong. Did you got it? Ok..then Let`s go!

① Saenamteo Catholic Church
G : Saenamteo is one of the most important memorial of Korean Martyrs'. The first catholic father from china, Rev. CHU Moon Mo was martyred here in 1801. In 1839, Rev. Chustan, Most Rev. Imbert who was the 2nd ordinary of Chosun diocese, was martyred here also.

참고 자료

한국관광공사 http://www.knto.or.kr/
서울특별시청 http://www.seoul.go.kr/


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