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[고려대학교/AcademicEnglish/A+] Research Report - A Study on the Comparison between Dazibao and Internet Posting - Focusing on the Practical Role aspect

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Academic English 과목에서 본인의 학과와 관련된 주제 -대자보의 과거와 현재, 그 역할과 모습-에 대해서 작성한 Research Report입니다.
당시 리포트 점수는 98-99/100이었던 것으로 기억하며 최종 학점은 A+이었습니다.


1. Introduction
2. Results
3. Discussion
4. References


The Dazibao refers to a transmission medium attached in large letters, a poster, or a poster (Choi, 2020). The first time this word appeared directly was when Mao Zedong wrote a declaration in the form of Dazibao in the 1930s (Han, 1979). After the emergence of letters, the period when Dazibao was used as a medium for collective action began in earnest in the 1950s during ‘the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution’(Choi, 2020). By choosing Mao Zedong, who stepped down from politics instead of being unable to control the media, as an unofficial medium, vast yet unregulated regime criticism is possible due to his free form and low cost(Choi, 2020). With the success of Mao Zedong's strategy of purging the party using the Dazibao, the Dazibao has great significance in modern Chinese history (Choi, 2020). The period when collective action Dazibao appeared in Korean society began with growing distrust of college students in the mass media after the 1970s (Choi, 2020).

참고 자료

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[고려대학교/AcademicEnglish/A+] Research Report - A Study on the Comparison between Dazibao and Internet Posting - Focusing on the Practical Role aspect
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