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dokdo 분쟁에 대한 분석 레포트

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Korea and Japan have a complex relationship because of their proximity and the Japanese occupation period. There are territory disputes, comfort women, and forced labor. Among these many problems, Liancourt Rocks is one of them. It is a disputed area between Korea and Japan, located in between the two countries on the East sea, and 87.4km away from Ulleung and 200km away from Japan. This territory is called Dokdo in Korean and Takeshima in Japanese. Although Dokdo is small volcanic rocks, it is an importantarea: the islet has abundant fisheries, abundant natural gas resources, and is suitable for a strategic location. Japan insists Dokdo is their territory, so Korean people illegally occupy the island. Japan claims it as theirs, yet some people believe thatDokdo is the territory of the Republic of Korea, even a few Japanese experts. In my point of view, the opinions of the experts are much more convincing than the Japanese government.

참고 자료

BBC, South Korea's Lee Myung-bak visits disputed islands, Aug 10 2012, BBC News,
Choi,Seung Cheol, Why Hayashi Shihei marked Dokdo in yellow, OhmyNews, Aug 3 2011
Gyeongsangbuk-do, Chronology, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province Republic of Korea Dokdo, Oct 19 2015 accessed, < http://en.dokdo.go.kr/pages/s02/page.html?mc=7173 >
Harlan, Chico, South Korea makes a point about its claim on islands disputed with Japan, The Washington post, Oct 4 2012“
Historical Facts”, Japan’s Interpretation of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Historical Facts About Korea’s Dokdo Island, Oct 19 2015 accessed. <http://www.dokdo-takeshima.com/the-japan-peace-treaty-and-dokdo.html>
Hong, Sung-geun, International Conference on 70 Years Since the Cairo Declaration, Northeast Asian History Foundation News, Oct 21 2015 accessed, <https://www.nahf.or.kr/Data/Newsletterlist/1401_en/sub07.html>
Kim, Kwang-soo, Japanese historians say Dokdo is Korean territory, the Hankyoreh, May 22 2013, <http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_international/588561.html>
Sin, Maeng Ho, Why we do not take the Dokdo issue to the ICJ, Hankook, Sep 27 2012
“Takeshima.” Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Oct 5 2015 accessed. < http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/takeshima/index.html>
JiJi, Shimane confirms 1706s maps showing Takeshima as part of Japan, the Japan times, Aug 1 2013, <http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/08/01/national/shimane-confirms-1760s-maps-showing-takeshima-as-part-of-japan/#.ViU4l2Qvcy5>
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