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A study on AIDS and current treatment methods 영어 자작 보고서

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"A study on AIDS and current treatment methods"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Introduction
1-1. Motive of Study
1-2. Purpose of Study
1-3. Research Method

2-1. What is HIV/AIDS?
2-2. History of AIDS
2-3. Symptoms of AIDS
2-4. Methods of HIV transmission
2-5. Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS (Global)
2-6. Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS (Korea)
2-7. Korea’s AIDS Treatment

III. Conclusion
3-1. Overall Summary
3-2. Research Conclusion
3-3. References


1-2. Purpose of Study
In Korea, it seems that people who have HIV virus is increasing rapidly, especially HIV rates among the young people. According to Korean Centers for Disease Control data, HIV incidence (in other words, new cases of HIV diagnosed each year) has been rising 13 percent on average each year since 2000. As a student dedicated in becoming a doctor and a biotech expert it seems crucial that we study about AIDS and how it can be treated.

참고 자료

WIKIPEDIA(2016). HIV vaccine. Retrieved from
Jessica Keralis (2015). South Korea still requires HIV test for some visasArticles of humanosphere. Retrieved from
Dr Ananya Mandal, MD(2012). AIDS Symptoms. Retrieved from http://www.newsmedical.net/health/AIDS-Symptoms.aspx
Dr Ananya Mandal, MD(2012). What is HIV/AIDS? Retrieved from http://www.newsmedical.net/health/What-is-HIVAIDS.aspx
Dr Ananya Mandal, MD(2012). AIDS-Symptoms. Retrieved from http://www.newsmedical.net/health/AIDS-Symptoms.aspx
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A study on AIDS and current treatment methods 영어 자작 보고서
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