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Transformational Grammar 챕터 9, 10 요약

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지금은 절판되어 구하기 힘든 Radford (1981) Transformational Grammar의 북챕터 9, 10 요약입니다. 영어학/통사파트 관련 임용 필독서입니다.


1. Filters
2. Case


9. Filters
- While constraints are conditions on derivations, filters are devices to scan the surface structures produced by the grammar
- Any Surface Structure containing an S-bar embedded within another clause, and flanked to the left and right by over lexical material from that clause, is ill-formed
(2a) *Is that the world is round obvious?
(2b) *Would for Mary to climb the fence surprise Bill?

2) EMPTY SUBJECT FILTER (Chomsky and Lasnik)
- No tensed nonrelative clause with a nonempty COMP can have an empty NP immediately following COMP
(23a) ?Who2 did you wonder whether Bill saw np2?
(23b) *Who2 did you wonder whether np2 saw Bill?
- Even though (23a) is not grammatical, (23a) is still more acceptable than (23b) since (23a) violates only the island condition while (23b) violates both the island condition and the subject filter.

3) FOR-TO FILTER (Chomsky and Lasnik)
- Any clause containing the complementizer for followed by to with no overt constituent separating them is ungrammatical

참고 자료

Radford (1981) Transformational Grammar
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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