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남중국해에 관한 6개국 나라의 입장과 취한 행동 (A)받음 6 Countries' positions and actions towards the Southern China Sea disputes by using global and intergovernmental levels of analysis

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8페이지/ MS 워드
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"남중국해에 관한 6개국 나라의 입장과 취한 행동 (A)받음 6 Countries' positions and actions towards the Southern China Sea disputes by using global and intergovernmental levels of analysis"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Levels of Analysis
1) Global level Analysis
2) Domestic level Analysis

3. Conclusion

4. Personal Reflection



The South China Sea dispute is an ongoing territorial conflict involved by Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam and peaceful settlement is yet in sight. Disputes among those countries, sometimes turn into maritime military battles claiming over violation of territorial waters. The question is, why those countries keep on claiming sovereignty over the South China Sea? There are three main important reasons why those countries tenaciously assert sovereignty. First, it has an oceanographically strong advantage in terms of international trade. Around one third of global shipping, or it is estimated that 3.37 trillion US dollars or more of international trade sails across South China Sea and around 80 percentage of oil imports passes through South China Sea. (SCMP, 2019).
The second reason why is that the South China Sea is believed that it holds a large amount of oil and gas reserves.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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남중국해에 관한 6개국 나라의 입장과 취한 행동 (A)받음 6 Countries' positions and actions towards the Southern China Sea disputes by using global and intergovernmental levels of analysis
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