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[영문 유기화학 실험 레포트] The Relationship between Molecular Structure and Solubility

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유기화학 실험 초반에 The Relationship between Molecular Structure and Solubility에 대해 실험 후 쓴 레포트입니다. 영어로 되어 있으며, biphenyl, benzoic acid, resorcinol, sodium benzoate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate를 water, ethanol, petroleum ether에 녹여보는 실험이었습니다.

교환학생, 영어로 실험 수업을 듣는 분들에게 도움이 될 것입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Experimental
3. Results and Discussion



Our results showed solutes dissolving in solvents of similar molecular structure, as was expected. Overall, biphenyl, the only nonpolar solute tested, was only insoluble in water, a completely polar solvent. The amphipathic solutes, benzoic acid and resorcinol, are soluble in ethanol, an amphipathic solvent, and are insoluble in petroleum ether, a completely nonpolar solvent. However, their solubility with water differed. The ionic solutes, sodium benzoate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate, were only soluble in water (Table 1).

참고 자료

Klein, David. Organic Chemistry, 2nd edition, Kendallville, IN: Courier Kendallville, 2015. Chapter 1, “A Review of General Chemistry”
Smith College Moodle, CHM 222 Labs All Labs S15, Spring 2015, Laboratory Exercise 1, “Solubility”
Klein, David. Organic Chemistry, 2nd edition, Kendallville, IN: Courier Kendallville, 2015. Chapter 13, “Alcohols and Phenols”
Clark, Jim. Introducing carboxylic acids. http://www.chemguide.co.uk/organicprops/acids/background.html (accessed February 2015).
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[영문 유기화학 실험 레포트] The Relationship between Molecular Structure and Solubility
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