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하이퍼 마일링: 자동차 연비 줄이는법 (영문)

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4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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하이퍼 마일링: 자동차 연비 줄이는법
기름 값이 점점 오르면서 많은 사람들이 자동차 연비를 줄이는 것에 대한 관심이 늘고 있다. 이 보고서는 "하이퍼 마일링" 이라는 기술을 통해 운전자가 어떻게 하면 자동차 연비를 줄일 수 있는지에 대한 글이다.




Hypermiling: Save your money and Protect the environment

As the oil prices are continuously going up and as a car has become a necessary item for household and as the environmental problems are becoming the hottest topic around the world today, a lot of drivers started looking for breakthroughs to save spending on their cars and to protect the environment. Now, among tons of ways to save the spending on cars, hypermiling is attracting public attention around the world. Hypermiling, introduced by Wayne Gerdes, is an act of driving using techniques that maximize the fuel economy. If one conducts hypermiling properly and efficiently, he or she can achieve 50percent or better improvement over their vehicles’ estimated mpg figures (O’Rourke, 2010). Gerdes, also a ‘hypermiler’ himself, set a world record in 2009 with hypermiling saving more than double of his vehicle’s estimated mpg figures. Hypermiling can not only protect the pocket from the skyrocketing oil prices but also protect the environment from CO2 gas that cars emit. As hypermilers drive their cars to the destination with lower gas and more efficiently, the cars emit less CO2 gas.

참고 자료

ATA cautions about dangers of "hypermiling".(2009). Professional Safety, 54(5), 18.
Beating the EPA - The Why’s and How to Hypermile, (2006). Retrieved from http://www.cleanmpg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1510
Moica O’Rourke, (2010). Every gallon counts: Save gas with hypermiling. Mother Earth News, (240), 16.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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