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Child Sexual Abuse/ 아동 성폭력

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최종 저작일
10페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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아동 성폭력에 관한 영어 리포트 입니다.




These days through many kinds of mass media, news, journals, TV and radio people can know that child abuse occurs frequently: not only physical abuse but also sexual abuse. However, what the mass media shows to people is just part of child abuse problem. There is a good opportunity, however, to let people know what child abuse is and how dangerous it is. Mass media can make people have concern about child abuse.
Often people think that child abuse is not their family’s problem and their children are safe so they just regard it as a social problem. In fact, a high percentage of sexual abuse occurs between the victim and their step-parent, parent, relative, teacher, neighbor or older child (figure 1). Also, the rate of child sexual abuse increases every year (figure 2). Therefore, people should know about child sexual abuse, what the sexual abuse is and how the children appear after being sexually abused because if people have more knowledge about child sexual abuse, people can not only intervene but also prevent it.
Child sexual abuse involves all sexual activity by an adult or elder child with a child that doesn’t consent (O’Brien, Shirly). It can be divided into two behaviors.

참고 자료

Walters, Davide R. Physical and sexual abuse of children. Indiana University Press Bloomington & London. 1975.
O’Brien, Shirly. Child abuse. Brigham Young University Press.1980.
Van Bruggen, Lisa K., Marsha G. Rentz, and Helena Kadlec. “ Sexual Revictimization: The Role of Sexual Self-Esteem and Dysfunctional Sexual Behaviors.” Child Maltreatment 11 (2006): 131-145.
Wolf, Miriam. Child Sexual Abuse. California Social Work Education Center, 2002. 14 March 2007. <http:// calswec.berkeley.edu>
Warning Signs About Child Sexual Abuse. stopitnow.com. Wurtele, S.K. and Miller-Perrin, C.L. 1992. University of Nebraska Press. 16 April 2007. <http://www.stopitnow.com/warnings.html>
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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