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worldvision and media

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4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 6,500원 할인쿠폰받기


world vision and their use of media




World Vision and their Use of Media
Recent horrific cataclysms in Haiti, Chile, and Turkey were covered all major news media internationally. The catastrophes swept out these countries and left indelible hurt to people in the lands. As soon as the disasters were gone, those who were willing to help these people collected fund, food, medical aids and life goods. One of organizations do these kinds of help is the World Vision.
Since 2007-2009, World Vision appeared in the local news and the global news countless times. Most of the news was related to the relief activities World Vision were doing in the regions that suffered damage; some headlines of the news were `World Vision urges protection of children in the Middle East`, `World Vision begins relief efforts in Georgia`, `Specialist World vision team delivers vital aid to hilltop IDP camps` and `World Vision calls upon global leaders to halt Congo conflict`. Also some headlines were about World Vision`s effort to advocate fund for helping people in desperate needs. As a Non Governmental Organization

참고 자료

World Vision, http://www.worldvision.org/content.nsf/about/who-we-are
Kim 4
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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