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A never forgotten day-diversity case study

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


다양성(diversity) 경험사례 영문레포트




My heart started beating with worry. There were about 15 people before me. The passengers from the KLM airline had to stand in a queue. We had to pass the immigration desk to be admitted into England. Most of the passengers were Americans or Europeans except for several people who were from Asia. The Americans and Europeans stood in the other queue which had kind immigration officers. I wished I were American or European at a time like this. While their queue rapidly dwindled away into nothing, my queue dwindled away very slowly. I was so scared because some of passengers could not pass the desk and were sent a room which looked like a prison. I did not have visa because of a mistake by the UK embassy in Korea, but I had a letter which showed my situation written by an ambassador instead. He told me that if I showed the letter to the immigration officials I would be given a passage though UK, but I was still nervous because I could not explain my situation well in English at that time.

<중 략>

Lastly, I was sent to the third portion and they made me wait till the final result came out. There was a toilet which was very small with only one toilet tool and I could have some drinking water for the first time after I had been parched with thirst for two hours. There were already some people who had similar experience to mine. They had haggard faces and seemed not to have eaten anything. I took a seat in the corner of a room. I kept back my tears till that time but I could not endure any more. Tears come to my eyes. While I was crying, a woman, who was from Tanzania, came to me and consoled me. She asked me about my circumstances. I took comfort from her and I was glad that I had someone who heard me. We talked about our anxieties and I found a remarkable fact. She had been there for two days and she had to go back to her country. She added that the other people`s result were either similar or they did not yet know. I felt hopeless.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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A never forgotten day-diversity case study
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