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[조직설계론] 조직설계론의 관점에서, 건국대학교 조직. (원어)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


조직설계론적 관점에서 건국대학교의 문제와, 이를 해결하는 비전을 제시해 보았습니다.
작성시기는 2012년 4~5월이며 a+리포트 입니다.


Table of Contents
1. Background 2
2. Problems and Solutions 3
A. 1) Value-based leader problem 3
2) Solution - Change in election method 3
B. 1) Overcentralization problem 5
2) Solution - Empowerment 7
C. 1) Problem in changing organization 8
2) Soultion - Increasing the commitment to change in organization 9
3. Conclusion 10
4. Reference 12


1. Background
For the last couple of days, Konkuk university memebers` pressure on resignation of their head figure, President Kim Jin Q, reached very high. Professor`s council and the labor union delivered final notice of resignation to Konkuk board of director, senior professors announced statement that President Kim`s assertive and improvised school administration led loss of trust from stakeholders and there is tons of corruption in public affairs. “President Kim, immediately resign from taking responsibility for damaging morality and dignity of a university president", they also claimed. As a result, President Kim decided to resign for presidency in June 29th.

<중 략>

In order to increase the commitment in organization, a coalition in charge of leading its change should be created. The president has to organize a task force coalition that includes a few important high-level stakeholders, rather than leading the change alone.
For restructuring academic departments to be successful, there must have been a shared commitment to the need and possibilities of restructuring between the representatives of each college who are considered as low-level supervisors and student representatives who are considered as middle level managers. Also students should participate in change process, fully recognizing the need to change and the potential to success. By doing so, the coalition is able to carry out efficiency in establishing and implementing policies. Furthermore, it is possible to generate positive attitude toward the change among internal members.

참고 자료

- Italic-written parts are from the text book
-건국대 총장 성희롱 발언 논란, http://www.nocutnews.co.kr/Show.asp?IDX=2147462
-김진규 건국대 총장, 첫 단추부터 잘못 뀄다, http://news.unn.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=110327
-대학들 총장님 문제로 줄줄이 `멘붕`, http://www.nocutnews.co.kr/Show.asp?IDX=2152848
-교직원, 김 총장에 반감 최고조http://www.popkon.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=6746
-김진규 총장 도덕성 논란.. 건국대 내홍 갈수록 심화, http://www.fnnews.com/view?ra=Sent1501m_View&corp=fnnews&arcid=201205170100155020009389&cDateYear=2012&cDateMonth=05&cDateDay=17
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[조직설계론] 조직설계론의 관점에서, 건국대학교 조직. (원어)
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