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32페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Evolution of Blogs as a Credible Marketing Communication ToolEvolution of Blogs as a Credible Marketing Communication Tool* PurposesEvolution of Blogs as a Credible Marketing olThis case study takes into preview the increasing influence of blogs, its evolution and adoption for marketing communication purposesThis case study discusses several stumbling instances of marketers in the blogsphereA reality check of the blogsphere is taken to find out the activities of corporate marketers, and how/what can be learnt from the travails of marketers across the worldThe case study focuses on the malfeasance of blogsCGM is Consumer Generated Media or user generated content on the cyber worldThe pace of evolutionand adaption of InternetCGM# What is CGM?* Introduction (Concept)Evolution of Blogs as a Credible Marketing cation Tool




CGM includes blogging and micro blogging on social networking sites such as Twitter, Google, Window Live Spaces, etc.
CGM has began to prove itself as an outstanding tool for not only social networking, but also as an effective interactive communication tool in the business.

* Introduction (Concept)
Evolution of Blogs as a Credible Marketing
Communication Tool

Unlike the past, now marketers can listen to consumers in real-time, or predict what they are going to do or say.
In spite of increasing CGM acceptance, many traditional marketers had a tendency to discount blogs as a fad.
* Introduction (Concept)
Evolution of Blogs as a Credible Marketing
Communication Tool

* Blog Recognition of individualized opinions
# What is BLOG?

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