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women and change

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women and change




Islam women are often seen as oppressed by men and their society. That is the common belief and a stereotype of many people in the world. Women have been discriminated from men and could not exercise their rights in their countries. They had to wear veils to cover their face and entire body ever since they were very young and always had it on them even when at home. Some people consider it as imprisoning women when others view it as a different kind of expressing themselves.
In some Muslim countries, women drive cars, ride motor cycles, and hold professional positions in virtually every sector, such as ambassadors, judges, and have right to vote. However, in others they need male`s permission to travel, cannot drive a car, are sexually segregated, must be completely covered in public, cannot vote, and are strictly restricted by Islamic laws. Situations are so diverse that many countries differ in treating women and even women`s attitude is different among regions. Moreover, as time went by, more women became active and play important roles in their society. In some countries that are still very conservative, allow women to have free access to education so that they could acquire equal knowledge to men and women function as important part of the society. Women can own property as well as corporations.

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women and change
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