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Two Tramps in Mud Time by Robert Frost Analysis

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최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,900원 할인쿠폰받기


stanza별로 분석한 파일입니다.




Two Tramps in Mud Time by Robert Frost Analysis

First Stanza:
In the first stanza of Robert Frost’s “Two Tramps in Mud Time,” the speaker is splitting oak logs, when he is accosted by “two strangers” who had appeared “[o]ut of the mud.” He has faltered a bit in his aim at the block of wood, because one of the tramps yelled out, “"Hit them hard!" The yeller had dropped behind his buddy, and the speaker says he knows that the fellow lagged behind so he could try to “take [the speaker’s] job for pay.”

Second Stanza:
The speaker then details his prowess in wood-splitting: “every piece I squarely hit / Fell splinterless as a cloven rock.” The wood was good, and the speaker was good at his job of splitting it. this speaker decides to keep the job for himself, even though the tramps obviously could use the money they would earn if he hired them to do his wood-splitting for him.

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Two Tramps in Mud Time by Robert Frost Analysis
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