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Ecotourim (에코투어리즘, 생태관광)의 정의, 비용이익분석, 예

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
26페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 6,900원 할인쿠폰받기


Ecotourism에 대해 조사한 영문 Research paper 입니다.
Ecotourism의 비용과 이익 측면을 분석하고 그 해결책을 제시, 그리고 생태관광에 대한 자세한 예시지역들을 다루었습니다.


Tourism Pg 3
Ecotourism Pg 4

Impacts of Ecotourism
Benefits of Ecotourism
Positive Impacts on the economy Pg 5
Costs of Ecotourism
Negative impacts on the Economy Pg 6
Negative impacts on the Environment Pg 8
Measures of Operate Sustainable Ecotourism Pg 9
Solutions for Negative Impacts of Ecotourism on the Environment Pg 10
Solutions for Negative impacts of ecotourism on the Economy Pg 12

Applying economic Theory to Ecotourism
Staples Thesis Pg 13
Schumpeterian Theory Pg 14

Examples of Ecotourism
Canada Pg 14
Saskatchewan Pg 15
Mexico Pg 17
Costa Rica Pg 19
Global Vision International Pg21

Conclusion Pg 23

References Pg 24


Ecotourism developed during the environmental movement in the 1970’s and 1980’s as the public became concerned about the health of the environment.
Ecotourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the tourism industry because travelers are now seeking educational, cultural and sustainable vacations (Saskatchewan Watershed Authority). In 1990, it was found that only 20% of tourists were travelling for the sun, where as 40% travelled for the experience of culture and ecosystems. This change in travel provides an educational opportunity to tourists (Saskatchewan environmental society).
Ecotourism provides an economic opportunity in areas that have natural beauty and unique cultures. It demands environmental integrity and is meant to maintain ecosystems; which provides longer lasting economic opportunities than the extraction of resources. This new branch of tourism provides economic diversity and avoids single-sector dependence. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining social, economic, and aesthetic needs, while protecting the essential ecological processes and encouraging biological diversity. Ecotourism is a beneficial substitute for unsustainable land use and provides long-term economic development because it ensures natural resources are protected rather than depleted (Saskatchewan environmental society). Ecotourism promotes sustainable development of local economies by demanding that natural resources are conserved, waste is reduced, biodiversity maintained, locals are involved in economic growth and conservation strategies (Weaver, 2001).

참고 자료

Azimi, N. (2005). The economics of tourism - maximizing the benefits of ecotourism for the locality. Environmental Sciences
Beirman, D. (2008, October 15). Tourism and the global economic crisis of 2008. Global travel industry news.
Buckley, R. (2001). Environmental impacts. Weaver, David B. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of ecotourism (pp. 379-394). New York, NY: CABI publishing.
Butler, R.W. (2001). Rural development. Weaver, David B. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of ecotourism (pp. 433-446). New York, NY: CABI publishing.
Cater, E, Lowman, G,
Dasenbrock, J. (2002). The pros and cons of ecotourism in Costa Rica. TED Case Studies, 648.
David, Leslie. (2009). Tourism Enterprises and Sustainable Development International Perspectives on Responses to the Sustainability Agenda. Taylor
Fran?is, V. (2002). Monitoring costs and benefits of ecotourism. World Ecotourism Summit
Global Vision International. Volunteer abroad on critical community and conservation projects
G?sling, S. (1999). Ecotourism: a means to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem functions?. Ecological Economics, 29(2)
Lindberg, K. (2001). Economic impacts. Weaver, David B. (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of ecotourism (pp. 363-377). New York, NY: CABI publishing
Merrill, D. (2009). Negotiating paradise : u.s. tourism and empire in twentieth-century latin america. Chapel Hill: North Carolina Press.
Muller, Frank G. (2000). `Ecotourism: an economic concept for ecological sustainable tourism. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 57(3)
Murray, G. (2007). Constructing paradise: the impacts of big tourism in mexican coastal zone . London: Taylor and Francis.
Narayan, S. (1998). Below the surface: the impacts of ecotourism in costa rica. Unpublished manuscript, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.
Saskatchewan environmental society. The ecotourism incentive: economic development while preserving the environment.
Saskatchewan Watershed Authority. Initiatives in Saskatchewan ecotourism
Schaller, David T. (2000). Indigenous ecotourism and sustainable development: the case of rio blanco, ecuador. Unpublished manuscript, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota, Twincities, Minnesota, U.S.
The International Ecotourism Societ. (2010). Ecodestinations.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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