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Design DC motor controller

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


PID controller 를 이용하여 DC motor 속도를 제어하는 report (영문자료)


1. Preliminaries
2. Motor dynamics modeling
3. Design Method
4. Experimental Result and Analysis
5. Discussion and Concluding Remarks
6. Appendices


When rectangular input applied, the simulation had more time delay about transient response. We could find that experiment graph had more overshoot in rising time and falling time than simulation result. I think a cause of a little difference in result is D controller. D controller controls transient response. In circuit, D controller has capacitance in D controller input. I used a capacitance that is 100uF magnitude. It’s magnitude quiet high. So there is possibility that capacitance made a ripple. When triangular input applied, an experiment graph was very similar with simulation result. I’m sure our experiment is very successful.

5. Discussion and Concluding Remarks

The Object of a final project is to understand about a principle of controller and controller design process. Before design controller, I did understand a characteristic of DC motor and PWM driver. Through understanding about DC motor and getting a mathematical modeling of DC motor, I could know a transfer function of DC motor is second order system. From transfer function, I could guess what kind of controllers is needed. Since transfer function was second order system we had to use PID controller to consider a various error. Using a result from theory we made a circuit and as indicated in report we got a result similar with a simulation.

참고 자료

Modern control engineering by OKATA.
Note of mine & partner.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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