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lynn canyon fieldtrip report

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 10,000원 할인쿠폰받기


lynn canyon fieldtrip report


1. Part A. Map interpretation

2. Part B. Description of land forms and explanation of processes observed at Lynn Canyon

3. Part C. The past and future



Lynn Canyon Field Report

Part A Map interpretation
1. The latitude of the suspension bridge is 49˚ 20’ 70’’ and the longitude is 123˚ 01’ 10’’. The UTM grid reference for the suspension bridge is
2. a. The elevation of Lynn Lake 964 766 is 790m.
b. The elevation of the suspension bridge is 120m.
c. The actual distance along the creek from Lynn Lake to the suspension bridge is 23.5cm x 50,000 = 1,175,000cm = 11.75km.
d. The average gradient along the creek from Lynn Lake to the suspension bridge is (790m – 120m)/(11750m) = 670m/11750m = 0.057. The percentage of the gradient is 0.057 x 100% = 5.7%. The angle of the gradient in degrees is 5.7x Tan-1 = 3.262
(중 략)

참고 자료

North Vancouver map 92 G/6 Ed 6 1:50 000 scale
Armstrong, J.E., 1988, Vancouver Geology, 3rd Ed., Cordilleran Section of the Geological
Association of Canada, 128pp.
Cannings, S., and Cannings, R., 1999, Geology of British Columbia, A Journey Through
Time, Greystone Books, Vancouver, 118 pp.
Clague, J, and Turner, B., Vancouver, City on the Edge, Tricouni Press, Vancouver, 191 pp.
Christopherson, Geosystems Chapter 14
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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