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차별화 전략(영문판)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


차별화 전략(Differentiation Strategy)에 관한 영문판 레포트 입니다.(MS워드 3,000자) Reference 표기 정확하게 다 했습니다.


1. Definition of differentiation strategy
2. Definition of product differentiation
3. Differentiation in marketing strategy
4. Competitive advantage of differentiation strategy
5. Factors in differentiation strategy
5.1 Product specification
5.2 Communication with customers
5.3 Timing
5.4 Location
5.5 Cooperation with other companies
5.6 Development of new brand

6. Relevant literature of differentiation strategy
Michael porter’s competitive strategy

6.1Cost leadership strategy

6.2 Differentiation strategy

6.3 Focus strategy

7. Marketing strategy for premium brands

7.1 Importance of brand management
7.2 Importance of business growth through brand management
7.3 Premium brand strategy


Today when we look at marketing environment, market globalization has been accelerated and super companies come to show up through M&A`s among companies domestically and internationally.
Even a day there comes numerous products into the market, where many companies compete. As such, companies use various marketing techniques to sell their products.
In pace with this environment companies have to find the solution to build brand power and strategic approach to satisfy customers better than their competitors.
So, let`s review which part companies focus on to be successful in the competing factors in the industry through differentiation strategy.
Product differentiation is the competition strategy to gain the competition dominance by increasing product or service values than recognized values of product or service in the other companies.
Creation of differentiation through relative recognition values of product or service can be made by changing objective characteristics of product or service.

참고 자료

 Fernando Kevin Vince, Strategic sales planning for growth & differentiation
1st Ed (2008), pp. 73 – 95
 Judy Strauss & Raymond Frost, E-marketing 5th Ed (2009), pp. 194 – 208
 Ted Levitt, Ted Levitt on marketing 1st Ed (2006), pp. 99 – 150
 Johnathan Mahler, Maximillian Potter, and Denny Clements, The Lexus story 1st Ed
(2004), pp. 15 – 87
 Charles H. Green, Trust – based selling using customer focus and collaboration to build long – term relationships 1st Ed (2006), pp. 209 – 224
 Jeffery K. Liker, The Toyota way 1st Ed (2003), pp. 3 – 66, 221 – 310
 Michael L. George, James Works, and Kimberly Watson-Hamphil, Fast innovation, achieving, superior differentiation, speed to market, and increased profitability 1st Ed (2005), pp. 15 – 33
 Brian Long, Lexus : The challenge to create the finest automobile 1st Ed (2001), pp. 15 – 45
 Adrian Ryans, Beating low cost competition : How premium brands can respond to cut – price rivals 1st Ed (2008), pp. 123 – 162
 Nitin Nohria & Rakesh Khurana, Handbook of leadership theory and practice : A Harvard business school centennial colloquium 1st Ed (2010), pp. 569 – 610
 Emi Osono, Norihiko Shimizu, and Hirotaka Takeuchi, Extreme Toyota : Radical contradictions that drive success at the world’s best manufacturer 1st Ed (2008), pp. 3 – 66, 95 – 142, 185 – 224
 Robert L. Philips, Pricing and revenue optimization 1st Ed (2005), pp. 74 – 96
 Michael Moesqaard Andersen, Discount business strategy 1st Ed (2006),
pp. 177 - 232
 John J. Hampton, Fundamentals of enterprise risk management : How to top
companies assess risk, manage exposure, and seize opportunity 1st Ed (2009),
pp. 193 – 194
 Matthew E. May, The elegant solution : Toyota’s formula for mastering innovation 1st Ed (2007), pp 15 – 70, 95 – 166
 Mike Rother, Toyota kata : Managing people for improvement, adaptiveness, and superior results 1st Ed (2009), pp73 – 225
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