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The Necklace

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영어 감상문




This story is about a woman who fell in vanity. I think the author criticized only the woman, Mathilde, but also all of characters in this story. They just believed visible image representing beauty or luxury. Mathilde wanted to be SEEN beautiful, her husband agreed to her feeling, and guests of the party praised her who armed herself with the fake necklace. Most important thing is that Mrs. Forrestier, who was believed to be rich, used an imitation.
At the finale of this story, we lose our ideal model of the rich – Mrs. Forrestier, whom Mathilde admired, and wanted to be. If she herself was really wealthy, she would not use costume jewelry. One might say she just it without special purpose of wearing and just for fun, but in this story she said “You should have brought it back sooner; I might have needed it.”
All characters chased vain image, because their relationship was superficial. A person did not know others deeply, and could see only surface of others’ lives. Reversely, others didn’t know the person, and could see his or her external figure. This is why people were bound by symbol of images. How they appeared coldly decides who they are. Considering the ending, Mathilde lost her 10 years for nothing. What if she told Mrs. Forrestier frankly? Mathilde wasted big part of her life not to show her imprudence to Mrs. Forrestier. It is not only Mathilde’s fault, I think. What if Mrs. Forrestier wondered why Mathilde did not contact her for that long time and asked Mathilde? Mrs. Forrestier had no care for Mathilde, and made her waste her 10 years. I suppose this story is about the world out of true emotion, and full of seen illusion.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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