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선덕여왕에대하여 영어로

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


선덕여왕에대해 영어 브리핑



1.Simple Profile
2. Relation narrative
3. Achievement


1.Simple Profile
●Was a Shillahe 27th king .
●She`s father 26th King Jin-pyeung she`s mother Maya.
●She died because of disease after 16 years she became king.
2. Famous story
Peony flower story
Jigwi story
The frog crying listening and becomes aware of the sign of warfare in advance.
The story which predicts the day when the queen will die oneself.
Peony flower story
Sent the picture which the peony of the Tang Dynasty Tae Jong crimson * purple * white comes to draw and that seed 3 to the queen and came.
The queen sees the picture, " To this flower certainly will not be fragrance. " Said and will float the seed did to make plant.
The flower bloomed and until at the time of quality the fragrance was not born not to be and the prediction of the queen fitted does.
The frog crying listening and becomes aware of the sign of warfare in advance.
Listened the neigh the frog

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