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섹스앤더시티, Good and Bad `Sex and the City`

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Good and Bad `Sex and the City`




Are you interested in `Sex and the City` movie?
As the ‘Sex and The City’ released, it dominated number one at the box office.
Based on the bestselling book by Candance Bushnell, ‘Sex and The City’ revolves around the lives of four young professional women. The sitcom had serialized story lines, as well as dramatic elements and dealt socially-relevant issues, often specifically dealing with women in society and how changing roles and definitions for women affected the characters.
As ‘Sex and The City’ gains tremendous popularity, people started to follow the life pattern of ‘Sex and The City’ women.
The American economic magazine, `Forbes` says "`Sex and The City` is not just a movie, but an enormous business and culture." As a matter of fact, it causes big effect to economy as well as culture in America.
More than anything else, however, the appeal of the series is about how fabulous female friendship really is. The girls are always there for each other, sharing successes and lending shoulders to cry on when life lets them down.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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섹스앤더시티, Good and Bad `Sex and the City`
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