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전기전자기초실험 Audio Amplifier Circuit Design 예비보고서(영문)

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4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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연세대학교 전기전자기초실험 6장 예비보고서(영문)

다른 chapter는 제 박스에서 검색해주세요.

보고서는 참고용으로 사용하시기 바랍니다.


◉ Power Supply for audio amplifier
◉ Audio amplifier
- Reference


◉ Power Supply for audio amplifier

① Explain the mechanism of power supply in this experiment.

An AC powered linear power supply usually uses a transformer to convert the voltage from the wall outlet (mains) to a different, usually a lower voltage. If it is used to produce DC, a rectifier is used. A capacitor is used to smooth the pulsating current from the rectifier. Some small periodic deviations from smooth direct current will remain, which is known as ripple. These pulsations occur at a frequency related to the AC power frequency (for example, a multiple of 50 or 60 Hz). The voltage produced by an unregulated power supply will vary depending on the load and on variations in the AC supply voltage. For critical electronics applications a linear regulator will be used to stabilize and adjust the voltage. This regulator will also greatly reduce the ripple and noise in the output DC current. Linear regulators often provide current limiting, protecting the power supply and attached circuit from over-current.

② Understand the elements used in each step, then analyze circuit with respect to following instructions.

1) Characteristics of transformer

A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled conductors.

참고 자료

♣ Basic Electric Circuit Analysis Fifth Edition [Prentice Hall]
♣ 공학 회로 실험 [교보문고]


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전기전자기초실험 Audio Amplifier Circuit Design 예비보고서(영문)
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