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영어의 기원과 발달: The origins and development of the English language

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
39페이지/파일확장자 압축파일
가격 8,900원 할인쿠폰받기


Algeo와 Pyles가 쓴 영어의 기원과 발달에 관한 책으로써 책에 수록되어 있는 1과 부터 12과 까지의 내용을 파워포인트를 이용해서 일목요연하게 정리를 하였습니다. 임용고시를 준비하는 수험생이나 영어발달사 시험을 대비하는 학생들에게 정말로 좋은 자료라고 추천합니다. 또한 문서에다가 수정도 할 수 있게 pdf버젼이 아닌 파워포인트 버젼으로 첨부하오니 자신의 기호에 맞게 고치시면 될 겁니다.


Chapter 1. Language and the English Language: An Introduction
Chapter 2. The Sounds of Current English
Chapter 3. Letters and Sounds: A Brief History of Writing
Chapter 4. The Backgrounds of English


A Definition of Language
Language can be defined as a tool through which human beings communicate one another.
Algeo and Pyles (2004) provide six important terms to illustrate language.
They are as follows: system, signs, vocal, conventional, human, and communicate.

Language as System
Language has its own system.
It is used in terms of patterns (i.e. grammatical rules).
It can be largely divided into two parts: meaningful and meaningless.
The former includes Andrew, love, -s, you in the following sentence, Andrew loves you. Lexis (or vocabulary) is part of meaningful units.
The latter consists of a, n, d, r, e, w of Andrew. Each letter has no meaning. The sound system of a language belongs to a meaningless part.

The thing is we can make unlimited vocabulary and/or sentences with very limited sounds (35 in English, Angelo & Pyles, 2004). This is called Duality of patterning.
Is lexis or vocabulary the least systematic?

참고 자료


압축파일 내 파일목록

Chapter 1. Language and the English Language.ppt
Chapter 10. Words and Meanings.ppt
Chapter 11. New Words from Old.ppt
Chapter 12. Foreign Elements in the English Word Stock.ppt
Chapter 2. The Sounds of Current English.ppt
Chapter 3. Letters and Sounds A Brief History of Writing.ppt
Chapter 4. The Backgrounds of English.ppt
Chapter 5. The Old English Period.ppt
Chapter 6. The Middle English Period.ppt
Chapter 7. The Early Modern English Period_Society, Spellings, and Sounds.ppt
Chapter 8. The Early Modern English Period_Forms, Syntax, and Usage.ppt
Chapter 9. Late Modern English.ppt


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