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The Formation of the Character「風(wind)」

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최종 저작일
13페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계한자학회 수록지정보 : 世界漢字硏究 / 4권 / 1호
저자명 : Deno Fumiri


1. The Character for Phoenix 「鳳」(oracle bone script: )
2.The typical interpretation of「凡( as its origin)」
3.The original meaning of「凡( as its origin)」
4.About the characters「凡」 and「般」
5. From Phoenix「鳳」to Wind「風」: the transition
Concluding Statement

영어 초록

As oracle bone writing entered into its third phase, the script for Phoenix「鳳」was being drawn up as「 」which includes the symbol 「 」. Conventionally, the 「盤」 code, like the 「 」 code, has simply meant a boat. In this article, it is argued that 「 」 means a dugout canoe and 「 」 means a sailing ship. In addition, 「 」 was used as a constituent part of 「 (鳳:Feng)」which was the original character for wind. The word 「凡」 in 「帆」 was used as a metaphorical symbol to mean wind because a sailing ship is used as the metaphor of wind . The Chinese character for「 」later became 「凡」 which constituted the characters for 鳳' and '風'. 般, 'which is considered to be same concept as 「凡」means circling the boat with a sail following the wind according to Shouwen Jiezi(『説文解字』). Dr. Shizuka Shirakawa, a traditional Chinese calligrapher, interpreted 「凡」 as the first sentence of 「盤」. There is an interpretation that 「盤」 has the meaning of 「盤旋」, and therefore 「盤」 has the meaning of wind. However, I cannot understand that 「盤 旋」(circulate)is a metaphor for wind. Rather, it seems to be more reasonable to assume that 「凡」 means that the sail of a sailing ship receives the wind. The word 「凡」 originally meant sailing ship, and in its expanded meaning, wind, and in addition, it meant ship as a symbol that mediates the divine and human worlds.

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The Formation of the Character「風(wind)」
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