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울진 외선미리 발굴 건물지에 관한 연구

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20페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 16권 / 2호
저자명 : 김찬영

영어 초록

The building site was presumed as the Howonjeokwon or the Dasiwonji established at the traffic route among western inland areas in old Pyeonghaegun. The groundwork was composed inclination terrace of two steps. The upper step was the territory of the main house of ceremony․ symbolic+lodging function and the down step was divided in the territory of both Ikrang-chae of boarding and lodging management function and the territory of Haengrang-chae․pavilion of rest․reception․management. The building composition by each territory formed space differentiation with the line of flow according to the thorough rule of court rank. The arrangement composition set the strong center axis in tandem, and it was the building arrangement interpreting the territory and the rule of court rank by function as the relationship of master and servant and was the building type emphasizing on the whole unity with the geometric symmetry structure. The Dasiwonji and the Hyeeumwonji had the common point which is the traffic architecture of semi-governmental management reinforcing the boarding lodging function in the place which a visitor stayed. The Haeeumwonji and Dasiwonji had the difference in the size, but was the same in the composition system of construction. The external space and the system of the line of flow decided from the functional territory separation and the hierarchical rank as thorough as the geometric arrangement focusing on the whole unity. Namely, it was the strict and unusual system of the line of flow depended on the thorough rule of court rank than the efficient approach or arrangement of the line of flow. After being established to be the Howonjeokwon at the end of Koryeo, it disappeared at the time of the invasion of Japanese pirates when it was the time of the King Woo in Koryeo. It is presumed that it was continued until both wars, Imjin․Byeongja, ago after changing its name to the Dasiwon, being restored to the small size at the end of Koryeo-at the early of Choseon.

참고 자료



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