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돈황 막고굴 벽화내 다보탑의 住處공간적 의미와 그 변화 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 22권 / 6호
저자명 : 조정식, 김버들, 조재현, 김보람


1. 서 론
1-1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
1-2. 연구방법 및 범위
2. 경전에 나타나는 다보탑 개념과 특징
2-1. 탑의 語義고찰
2-2. 법화경에서 설명하는 다보탑의 개념
2-3. 법화경에서 설명하는 다보탑 건축의 필수요건
3. 돈황 막고굴의 초기 다보탑
3-1. 다보여래의 상주공간
3-2. 돈황 벽화에 나타나는 주처의 공간
4. 돈황 막고굴 다보탑과 변화
4-1. 주처공간에서 묘처공간으로의 변화
4-2. 墓處공간으로서의 다보탑(오대, 송)
5. 결 론

영어 초록

This study aims to examine the early use of Da-bo tap and their transformation by analyzing the various meanings of the term pagoda in Chinese translations, the Sanskrit version of the Lotus Sutra, as well as Dabotap in the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang. In addition, we aim to highlight changes in Dabotap usage, which started out as residential spaces, but transformed into burial spaces over time. The details can be summarized as follows. First, early Buddhist monuments were usually either pagodas serving as burial places for the dead or shrines that were not. A Dabotap is a type of pagoda enshrining the body of Prabhutaratna, and was initially used as a residential space, rather than a burial place for the dead. Second, the terms stupa and caitya are clearly distinguished from each other in the Sanskrit scriptures, and stupa is also further classified into dhatu, sarisa, and atmabhava based on the object being enshrined. In Gyeon-bo-tab-pum, the preconditions for caitya to transform into stupa is presented by explaining that worshipping the space enshrining the body of Prabhutaratna is worthy of the same status as the space enshrining sarira. Third, the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang had been depicted from the Western Wei of the Northern Dynasties until the time of the Yuan Dynasty. It was used as a residential space until the early Sui Dynasty, but was used as both residence and burial places until the Tang Dynasty when pagodas were first being constructed with wheel or circles forms on top, which then gradually changed into stupa (grave towers).

참고 자료



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돈황 막고굴 벽화내 다보탑의 住處공간적 의미와 그 변화 연구
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