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UNESCO Woman Diver, Ms. Hee Choon Becomes Human Spirit beyond the Jeju Tragedy : Hee Choon Oh’s Testimony at the UNESCO, Peace Island Network in Paris and Paris Arirang

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10페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계섬학회 수록지정보 : World Environment and Island Studies / 11권 / 4호
저자명 : Jihee Kim, Janna Monges, Melvin Marty, Jemin Song



영어 초록

Ms. Hee Choon Oh was a Jeju Haenyeo(woman diver) and one of the few surviving victims of the Jeju 4.3 (1948). As a Haenyeo: Jeju society was very poor at the time during the Japanese colonial period and the division of the two Korea, especially after the Korean War, so she had to work regardless of gender. It was hard to go into the sea, but it was the only thing to support my family. In retrospect, Going out to work in the sea was like a life-threatening adventure every day. While there were many emergency moments, She becomes one with the sea and forgot all the pain. After having spent a lot of time together with the sea, I had to stop working as a Haenyeo because it was hard to take care of nine children after having heart surgery. I was able to receive Honorary Haenyeo through continuous exchanges and dedication to the society. As a victim of the Jeju 4.3: I had no choice but to explain it why I had to do work as a Haenyeo and to understand my life. I am a woman who chose the job of Haenyeo, but I have lived through the pain of the dark modern and contemporary history of Korea. The unfair one-year prison life that I wanted to hide even from my children hurt me all my life. Over the past 70 years, sharing pain with the sea, neighbors, and family, serving the region, and hopefully waiting for a better society and justice to come. and finally It was not until 2019, 70 years after 1948, that I was officially acquitted by a Korean court. I regained my honor as a Haenyeo and was able to get rid of my deep sadness.

참고 자료



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UNESCO Woman Diver, Ms. Hee Choon Becomes Human Spirit beyond the Jeju Tragedy : Hee Choon Oh’s Testimony at the UNESCO, Peace Island Network in Paris and Paris Arirang
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