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13페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한중국학회 수록지정보 : 中國學 / 59권
저자명 : 王濤, 金昌庆



영어 초록

Confucianism originated from China, spread to East Asia soon in history. "Confucianism East" have taken advantage of creating a flourishing Korean Confucianism, so far, from the Korean Three-Kingdoms Times, the Unified Silla, the Korea Times, Joseon Dynasty, to today, South Korea contemporary Confucianism still to better development and spread, in the aspects of ideology, social structure, folk life wide under its influence. The contemporary South Korean Confucianism spread and inheritance trend, as the Comparison between Chinese and Korean Cultures, not only inherits the official and private educational institutions established in the earlier history of the path of "central-local", but also to Sung Kyun Kwan University as a representative of the Confucian education take on an altogether new aspect of modern university. The efforts of Korean society in the study of Confucian literature and Confucianism, showing the social and academic power,and it is indeed the valuable and sustainable cause of Confucian's good inheritance and development in contemporary Korea. And "An-dong cultural phenomenon" is the best “ChongRu-ShangXian“ interpretation of Confucianism in contemporary South Korean society spread. In the course of study、inheritance and development, Confucianism carried out fruitful local practice in Contemporary Korea, forming the good development trend of Korean Confucianism and the Korean characteristics of Confucian studies. With the internationalization of Confucianism, inheritance and development of Confucianism in Korea to local benign succession, characterized both contemporary Confucianism spread and inheritance, and embodies the modern value of Confucianism, not only closely linked with the Korean cultural environment and soil, of course , but also cannot leave Chinese classical culture broad and profound and tremendous influence.

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