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발행기관 : 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회(GFMC) 수록지정보 : GFMC Session1
저자명 : Tae Ho Song, HaeJin Seo, Xina Yuan

영어 초록

It is becoming increasingly essential for firms to achieve social improvement. Consumers no longer support firms that solely seek profits. A worldwide consumer survey found that 66% of respondents are willing to pay premium prices for brands from firms concerned with social well-being (Nielsen Report, 2015). Therefore, many firms actively engage in various societal marketing activities to elicit positive responses from consumers. As societal marketing continues to increase in importance, many studies have focused on the effect of corporate social responsibility activities. As one such activity, cause-related marketing (CM) is defined as “the process of formulating and implementing marketing activities that are characterized by an offer from the firm to contribute a specified amount to a designated cause when customers engage in revenue-providing exchanges that satisfy organizational and individual objectives” (Varadarajan & Menon, 1988, p.60). This enables a firm to improve its brand image or reputation and increase sales (Henderson & Arora 2010; Pracejus & Olsen 2004). A firm that employs CM can differentiate itself in competitive markets, which leads to increase in consumer’ purchase intention and their willingness to pay more for the firm’s brands (Müller, Fries, & Gedenk, 2014; Strahilevitz, 1999; Winterich & Barone, 2011). Therefore, CM expenditures are predicted to reach 2.06 billion dollars in 2017 (IEG Report, 2016). Further, CM growth continues worldwide in both developed and developing countries (Adkins, 2008; Wymer & Samu, 2009). Therefore, we focus on CM among various societal marketing activities. Many firms conduct CM in markets that differ both economically and culturally. However, cross-country or cultural research on consumers’ responses to CM is scarce. Although some studies consider cultural factors, most are based on Western-Eastern or individualism-collectivism typology (Ralston, et al., 2008; Yuan, Song, & Kim, 2011). It is dangerous to assume a bi-cultural continuum without considering the multiple variations within the Western or Eastern worlds. The current research addresses this limitation in literature, by exploring CM within the Asian market. We specifically examine Korea and China, as these countries are included in Asian culture, but differences exist between the two. The majority of previous research has discovered factors for successful CM, including the donation magnitude and quantifier, product traits (e.g., type, involvement), the company’s characteristics such as reputation or image, and the cause’s familiarity or importance (Barone, Miyazaki & Taylor, 2000; Lafferty, & Edmondson, 2014; Pracejus, Olsen, & Brown, 2003; Samu & Wymer, 2009). The results regarding the product type’s effect on consumer responses toward CM, revealed that guilt received considerable attention. It has been found that guilt generated by hedonic consumption compels consumers to purchase CM products. Further, the consumer regards the product’s CM as a means of justifying their hedonic product purchase. Many studies demonstrate that consumers choose CM products to reduce guilty-feeling regarding consumers simply as beings who seek to maximize utility. However, CM must also be illuminated, as CM is marketing strategy that involves donation. In summary, we take both economic and ethical perspective based on the dual process theory. From an economic view point, we examine the effect of guilt on consumers’ preferences for CM products. We then propose a new factor from an ethical perspective. Further, we study the two factors’ impacts on consumers’ decision-making through a cultural comparison. We conducted a between-subjects experiment. It was found that Korean consumers felt guiltier and the mean of perceived value of CM was higher in Chinese consumers (Table Ⅰ). As the below Figure Ⅰ illustrates, there was significant interaction effect between countries (Korea versus China) and product type (utilitarian versus hedonic). We also confirmed that the underlying consumer response mechanism to CM products differs between Korean and Chinese. These results support prior studies’ conclusions, in that guilt is the key factor in consumers’ decision-making processes regarding hedonic CM products. And we present the value perception as new influential factor. This paper provides several implications. First, we attempt to overcome previous research’s narrow viewpoint toward CM. As research is scarce regarding the ethical or philanthropic aspect of CM, we focus on that aspect with a particular focus on consumers’ perception of CM value. Second, this paper draws on the dual mode theory, to proposes another new influential factor that affects consumer behavior. As dual processes’ relative effects may differ depending on context (Sonenshein, 2007), therefore, and third, this study examines these effects using a cultural context. Korea and China have a substantial ripple effect on the global economy, thus, it is valuable to study the two countries’ different responses toward CM. Finally, our study provides more insight and practical implications for firms in the Korean and Chinese markets.

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