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우리나라 근해 대형트롤 어선의 선교업무 특성

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10페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회) 수록지정보 : 수산해양기술연구 / 49권 / 3호
저자명 : 김민선, 신현옥, 이주희, 황보규

영어 초록

To suggest a standard concerning with the arrangement of bridge equipment, the authors conducted the video observations with 3CCD (charge coupled device) cameras installed on the ceil of the bridge for monitoring the working activities of two bridge teams (the skipper/mate1 and the skipper/mate2) in a Korean coastal large trawler(gross tonnage: 139) for five days from July 30th. 2010 and analyzed of the data. Work elements coded by the work activities were input on the sheet of work analysis by the time unit of 1 sec according to the time occurred. A single work element among the work activities for every 5 minutes was denoted as the number of occurrence. The frequency of equipment usage was limited only in the usage of the equipment. In the case of the navigation and the towing net two ranks were integrated and analyzed. On the other hand, in the case of the casting net and the hauling net, two processes were integrated to as one and then analyzed separately as two ranks. As the results, 15 elements of work was carried out between two bridge teams for the observation; lookout, radar, GPS plotter, fish finder, net monitor, fishing deck, RPM indicator, rudder angle indicator, compass card, for maneuver; steering, ship speed control, trawl winch operation and external communications, paper works and others. It was found that the work load of the skipper per 5 minutes accordance with the navigation, the casting net, the towing net and the hauling net are 20.5 times, 11.9 times, 38.0 times and 9.5 times respectively, the mates are 65.2 times, 66.5 times, 85.7 times and 59.1 times respectively. The radar was shown the highest frequency of the equipment usage and the next was the fish finder, the GPS plotter and the external communications in the case of the navigation. In the case of the towing net the frequency of usage was high the ranking as the radar, the net monitor, the fish finder, the GPS plotter, the steering system and the external communications. In the case of the integrated process both of the casting and hauling net the trawl winch was shown the highest frequency to the skipper and the next was the GPS plotter and the radar, and the steering system was shown the highest frequency to the mate and the next was the radar, the ship speed control system, the GPS plotter, the net monitor and the fish finder.

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