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16페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국중국문화학회 수록지정보 : 중국학논총 / 53권
저자명 : 李周殷


1. 绪论
2. 实现体标记“了”
2.1 “了”的隐现与“完成”、“完整体”、“实现”的对应情况考察
2.2 凸显看“了”的语法语义问题
2.3 “了2” 的行、知、言三域
3. 动词带体标记“了”
3.1 “了”的"有界/无界" 功能
3.1.1 “了1”的"有界" 功能
3.1.2 “了2”的“有界”功能
3.2 “了1”,“了2” 共现的情况
4. 结论

영어 초록

The grammatical meaning of "了", a marker of aspects in Mandarin
has been described differently among researchers, three of which are to
express the end, a certain phase of event and the start of an event or
a state. This paper consists of four parts. Set out below is a summary
of main points of each part.
The first chapter elaborates on the results of previous related
studies, points out the purpose and meaning of the current study.
Chapter two introduces marked "了" including concepts of the meaning
and "Done", "complete whole", "realization" Corresponds to the case
study. And explains syntactic and semantic features of the “了”,
highlights the look "of the了" problems of syntax and semantics,"了2"
made three domains Limit 3 Including of the knowledge. This chapter
holds that its grammartical meaning can be described as follows an
event has taken place or a state has formed prior to a certain
reference time, and that the grammartical meanings mentioned above can be considered sub - grammartical meanings of "了",which result
from different prominence of the phases of an event.
Chapter three explains tag component of the “了1”,“了2”. It
discusses limited constraints, first place for "了" syntactic meaning,
"The End" and "extension" of the opposition for "了" is looming around
the root system, "了" and "着" sentence structure and semantic and
syntactic forms.
Chapter four discusses bounded features of the 了. It mainly focuses
on “了”of bounded / unbounded function. It analyses the functions of
components and explains a bounded function of “了1” and a bounded
function of “了2”. Chapter five is the conclusion. It consolidates and
summarises the previous contents of the paper and points out the

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