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Study on the History of Korean Physical Therapy

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 국제물리치료학회 수록지정보 : Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research / 1권 / 1호
저자명 : Sang Bin Lee, Ok Kon Moon, Ji Sung Kim, Hee Joon Shin, Wan Suk Choi, Yoo Rim Choi, Jun Hee Lee, Nyeon Jun Kim, Ho Jung An

영어 초록

Since physical therapy was first introduced in Korea, it has been 50 years past and Korean physical therapy has made rapid progress. However, history or educational system of Korean physical therapy is still not known worldwide. Now, for Korean physical therapy to go beyond Asia and leap toward the world, endless studies, efforts and publicity are required. Korean physical therapy first began by missionaries dispatched from other countries like America and Canada with Korean War, which occurred in 1950. After the War, Korean Physical Therapy is devel˗ oped very fast. Korean Physical Therapy Association was founded in October 1, 1965 and many physical therapist were discharged. Korea became a full member of World Confederation of Physical Therapy(WCPT) in 1974, and held the 2nd Asia Pacific Confederation of Physical Therapy assembly in 1984 and WCPT assembly in 2005. Today, in 2010, licensed physical therapists are about 35,000 and there are physical therapy departments in 74 universities, and 17 uni˗ versities have master's or doctor's degree courses. And there are many academic journals(more than 10) related to physical therapy that are published. Many Korean physical therapists are working at various countries like America or Australia, and are acknowledged with excellent treatment technology and academic studies. This thesis aims to shed new light to the history and educational system reorganization of Korean phys˗ ical therapy and introduce it to the world, and establish the historical foundation to develop Korean physical therapy into the international level.

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Study on the History of Korean Physical Therapy
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