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팝아트를 중심으로 본 복제의 미학

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최종 저작일
29페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술연구소 수록지정보 : 美術史論壇 / 38권
저자명 : 오진경

영어 초록

If the most prominent features of a work of art happen to be elements of machine-based mass production, i.e., standardization, repetition and replication, this is likely because, in whatever respect,the work reflects an aestheticrelated to the culture of mechanization. This paper examines the works of Futurists, Purists, Dadaists and of Fernand Léger, in order to explore the meaning of the replication in Pop within the larger context of art history. In the early twentieth century, artists thought of replicationas either a weapon against the arrogance and parochilaism of previous generations, or a strategy to transcend the traditional notion of art as bound by a hierarchy and broaden the definition of man-made beauty. As part of a trend that had continued since the mid-nineteenth century, replication implicated the social significance of a new aesthetic not removed from daily life. This aesthetic of replication was succeeded bythe following generation of art movements including Neo-Dada, Pop and Nouveau Réalisme, and especially by artists in the United States. Raised in a culture of consumerism repsresented by an excess of mass-produced goods, photographs, advertisements and ready-to-eat foods, American artists were emboldened by the confidence that theirs could be the generation that establishes Pop as the most American form of art, and thus actively introduced increasingly commercial and replicated materials in their works. As did their previous generation in the 1910s, American Pop artists strived to express in detail the reality of a consumerist society where everything is reproduced and consumed, using replication as a means to challenge formalist modernism, which had pursued “art for art’s sake.” In this respect, they succeeded the perspective of Realists, who believed art should bear testimony to the spirit of the times. And while their blatent ordinariness make the works appear extremely apathetic and mechanical, ironically, it also allows the art to speak to the viewer in a more serious, piercing voice. Through the act of replication, without which the structure of consumerist societies cannot be explained, Pop art provided an opportunity to once again reflect upon the world we live in, raising the oldest, most fundamental question about art and aesthetics, “What does it mean to create art?”

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