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대전시 주부의 외식행동 및 식습관에 대한 조사

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국식생활문화학회 수록지정보 : 韓國食生活文化學會誌 / 23권 / 1호
저자명 : 임영희, 나명인

영어 초록

This study aimed to offer some basic data for nutrition education to housewives by comparing behaviors of eating out targeted on housewives who live in Daejon surveyed by classification of regions and by family forms. As for their ages, 79 housewives (16.0%) are less than 30, 179 housewives (36.8%) are between 30 and 39, 156 housewives (35.9%) are between 40 and 49 and 74 housewives (15.2%) are more than 50, and as for their final academic careers, 204 housewives (41.9%) graduated from universities, which was the most and as for religions, 172 housewives (35.3%) had no religion, which was the most, and in the case that they had religions, 137 housewives (27.5%) believed in Christianity. And as for occupations, 327 housewives (69.0%) had no job, and in case they had jobs, 123 housewives (25.3%) that occupied the most were professional. As for husbands’ occupations, profession was the most for 143 housewives (29.4%) and as for monthly income, 2 million won~3 million won was most as 40.0%. As for times of eating out, ‘4 times a year’ was said by 131 housewives (26.9%), which was the most, and as for the times of food home service, ‘seldom’ was said by 221 housewives (45.4%), and as to the expense for eating out a month, ‘less than 100,000 won’ was said by 219 housewives (45.0%), which was the most, and as for the reasons of their eating out, ‘for harmony in a family’ was said by 119 housewives (24.4%). As for times of eating out by general items of housewives, it was appeared that the younger, the higher in education, less in religion, more in occupation, the more professional in their husbands’ jobs, the more nuclear in family forms, fewer in number of family members and the more average family income per a month, they had more times of eating out. Regarding the factors influencing on eating out, ‘high price’, ‘nutritive imbalance’ and ‘use of MSG’ were pointed by 204 housewives (41.9%), 83 housewives (17.0%) and 63 housewives (12.9%) respectively as the problems of food service shops. And as for the question why their went to their regular restaurants, 185 housewives (38.0%) said ‘taste of food’, and the most considerable thing when they selected menu at a restaurant was ‘taste of food’ for 167 housewives (34.3%). The survey showed that a lot of housewives thought the prices at restaurants were high, and they valued taste of food most, therefore food service shops should improve the taste and nutrition of food.

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