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공동체 형성에 있어서 뉴미디어아트의 사회적 역할에 대한 고찰

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최종 저작일
38페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 8,700원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술이론학회 수록지정보 : 미술이론과 현장 / 14권
저자명 : 김희영


I. 들어가며
II. 공동체 형성에 관한 통섭학적 논의
1. 사이버네틱스 이론과 예술
2. 상호작용성 개념의 전개
3. 자끄 랑시에르의 미적 체제
III. 상호작용적 예술의 사례
IV. 나가며
참고문헌 Bibliography

영어 초록

This paper focuses on the social implication of new media art, which has evolved with the advance of technology. To understand the notion of human- computer interactivity in media art, it examines the meaning of “cybernetics” theory invented by Norbert Wiener just after WWII, who provided “control and communication” as central components of his theory of messages. It goes on to investigate the application of cybernetics theory onto art since the 1960s, to which Roy Ascott made a significant contribution by developing telematic art, utilizing the network of telecommunication. This paper underlines the significance of the relationship between human and machine, art and technology in transforming the work of art as a site of communication and experience. The interactivity in new media art transforms the viewer into the user of the work, who is now provided free will to make decisions on his or her action with the work. The artist is no longer a god-like figure who determines the meaning of the work, yet becomes another user of his or her own work, with which to interact. This paper believes that the interaction between man and machine, art and technology can lead to various ways of interaction between humans, thereby restoring a sense of community while liberating humans from conventional limitations on their creativity. This paper considers the development of new media art more than a mere invention of new aesthetic styles employing advanced technology. Rather, new media art provides a critical shift in subverting the modernist autonomy that advocates the medium specificity. New media art envisions a new art, which would embrace impurity into art, allowing the coexistence of autonomy and heteronomy, embracing a technological other, thereby expanding human relations. By enabling the birth of the user in experiencing the work, interactive new media art produces an open arena, in which the user can create the work while communicating with the work and other users. The user now has freedom to visit the work, to take a journey on his or her own, and to make decisions on what to choose and what to do with the work. This paper contends that there is a significant parallel between new media artists’ interest in creating new experiences of the art and Jacques Rancière’s concept of the aesthetic regime of art. In his argument for eliminating hierarchy in art and for embracing impurity, Rancière provides a vision for art, which is related to life and ultimately reshapes life. Rancière’s critique of both formalist modernism and Jean-François Lyotard’s postmodern view underlines the social implication of new media art practices, which seek to form “the common of a community.”

참고 자료



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