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Brand Image에 대한 마케팅 영문논문,

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영국에서 학사를 졸업할때 쓴 논문입니다.

통계자료와 이미지 그리고 설문조사까지 모두 첨부되어있으며,

문법검수 다시 받으실 필요 없습니다.


1. The beginnings of brand imaging
1-1. The Impact on population and growing literacy on brand imaging and the power of advertising
1-2. The power of print advertising over sales techniques and advertising

2. The importance of having a strong brand image in an increasingly crowded retail environment

3. Market research and its effect on directed advertising

4. The impact of technology and changing models on static branding and how the consumer is kept engaged

5. Research project

6. Conclusion



‘Advertisements are now so numerous,’ wrote Dr Samuel Johnson in 1759, ‘that they are negligently pursued and it is therefore become necessary to gain attention by magnificence of promises and by eloquence sometimes sublime and sometimes pathetic. Promise, large promise, is the soul of advertisement.’
Although society has moved on since Johnson’s time, the same basic concept holds good. Today, selling is all about brand image, to the extent that marketers talk of a ‘total personality’ of a brand that triggers an instant response in the mind of the consumer. Technology, whether it is the printing press, the camera, television or the Internet, means that brand images can be projected onto our minds and reinforced by regular viewing. Brands become not just ‘acquaintances, but friends.’
As society becomes ever more sophisticated, trends in consumership change. In the past, small scale companies could only reach a small audience via local advertising and the concept of a brand image was not appropriate or necessary.

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