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Standardization of the Electrical Multiple Units for the Korean Underground Transit System

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한교통학회 수록지정보 : 대한교통학회지
저자명 : Kwan-Sup Lee, Jun-Seo Park, Seong-Ho Yun, Yun-Ok Cho


1. Introduction
2. Domestic Situation
3. Standardization and Development
4. Project Process
5. Conclusion

한국어 초록

The railway system is becoming the most massive transportation method of all ground transportation than ever. It has been constructed for the transportation in the metropolitan or suburban areas, particularly because the system is much superior to others in its all aspects of massive transportation, punctual timing, safety, comfort and environmental friendliness.
Even in despite of an increasing demand for the rapid transit system, most of principal technologies such as the system engineering and the electrical equipment design in Korea has been provided by the foreign manufacturers. Therefore, new core parts or equipment have been introduced whenever a new line was constructed. This resulted in the low maintenance efficiency due to the lack of exchangeability between parts and difficulties in identifying accident causes, which in turn required a certain urgent need in the standardization and localization of EMUs for the Korean subway systems.
With a view to improvements of maintenance and safety capabilities for the vehicles, the government has performed the project for the standardization and development for the urban transit railway system since 1995. This five-year project has been led by the Korea Railroad Research Institute.

영어 초록

The railway system is becoming the most massive transportation method of all ground transportation than ever. It has been constructed for the transportation in the metropolitan or suburban areas, particularly because the system is much superior to others in its all aspects of massive transportation, punctual timing, safety, comfort and environmental friendliness. Even in despite of an increasing demand for the rapid transit system, most of principal technologies such as the system engineering and the electrical equipment design in Korea has been provided by the foreign manufacturers. Therefore, new core parts or equipment have been introduced whenever a new line was constructed. This resulted in the low maintenance efficiency due to the lack of exchangeability between parts and difficulties in identifying accident causes, which in turn required a certain urgent need in the standardization and localization of EMUs for the Korean subway systems. With a view to improvements of maintenance and safety capabilities for the vehicles, the government has performed the project for the standardization and development for the urban transit railway system since 1995. This five-year project has been led by the Korea Railroad Research Institute.

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Standardization of the Electrical Multiple Units for the Korean Underground Transit System
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