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Paul Klee 繪畵에서 記號化된 이미지의 象徵性 分析

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16페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국조형교육학회 수록지정보 : 조형교육 / 6권
저자명 : 朴龍雲


Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. Kiee 繪畵의 展聞
Ⅲ. 記號와 象徵
Ⅳ. 클레 繪畵에서 記號化된 이미지와 象徵性과의 關係
Ⅴ. 結論

영어 초록

Paul Klee is deeply involved in the current of Western art, but is also a writer who cannot be talked about in view of the current context of Western art.
He is a writer who has expressed the original truth of primitive art, “Paint” in a language made originally according to a specific law since his childhood.
He attempted to approach the essence of things rather than their visual experiences.
Resulting from his approach, he tried to express harmoniously naturem, life and universe all together.
He regarded satire and symbol with importance to paint, instinctively hidden thing by method of fantestion expression.
Wish these characters in their base, his work, therefore, was a symbolized form of expression related to his visual experiences and the images engraved in his memory.
The symbolized form of expression bints at a symbol of its image.
In his book, “Original Creed Confession” he talked that the ultimate aim in art is to created a rich fancy and a symbolic world and it must be the way to give nourishment to a barren soul.
And it is the fact that he was interested in painting of children and primitive art as an exploration of artistic, original source.
But his symbolic signs seem not to be directly quoted from it but to be approaching it by returning the original character inside himself.
His world of painting came back the early originated stage of art and the essence of was explored and expressed in the images made up of symbolic signs.
Having a extremely scientific view on things, he beiieved that severe rules, which could originate deep mental contents in painting, migh exit.
This thesis to be explain a property of his world of art theme of his art through his process of consideration.
It is difficult to stipulate with general conception of art or ways of expression.
Just I would approach symbolization of symbellc images to his profound mental world through analysis of is work.
And I came to find that there were several consistent themes; arrows, alphabets, letters, original forms, fantastic spaces by perspective, overlapped curves, eyes, shapes of angles, and devils, human beings, etc.
As stated briefly above, this thesis is to explain various aspects appearing in the process of dividing Klee’s works according to subjects, and for the close study of forms which he explored with his formative sense of symbolizing things and constant for creation.

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Paul Klee 繪畵에서 記號化된 이미지의 象徵性 分析
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