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高麗末 奇皇后 一族의 得勢와 沒落

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19페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 동국사학회 수록지정보 : 동국사학 / 40권
저자명 : 鄭求先


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 元에 대한 貢女의 進獻
Ⅲ. 貢女의 運命
Ⅳ. 奇皇后의 登場
Ⅴ. 奇氏 一族의 得勢
Ⅵ. 奇氏 一族의 橫暴
Ⅶ. 奇氏 一族의 沒落
Ⅷ. 맺음말

영어 초록

At a time When Kory? received Mongol intervention, Mongols Gater Y?an dynasty) demand Kory? gold, silver, cloth, grain, ginseng, and falcons. Worse, they even demanded young women and maidens from Kory?, because of the Mongol exacting use of a maid of honor. For that reason, many of korean maid of honor who was driven into Mongol's territory had to make a miserable living. However some of them became high official's wife and concubine, or became a empress and a royal harem, who lived in wealth and honor.
It is the very empress Ki (奇皇后 ; the Korean queen of Y?an emperor Shun) who was driven into mongols in the name of women tribute(貢女), became a queen of Y?an, and wield her power in Y?an court during three decades. Ever Since she hold a high empress position, under the auspices of eunuch from Kory? she was master of the political circle in Y?an.
During empress Ki hold the reigns of government in Y?an, her family, including her farther and brothers, remained in her homeland, hold high official post of government, flaunted one's authority in Kory?, Above all things, Ki Ch' ol (倚轍; second Brother of the Korean queen of Y?an emperor Shun) raised a prime minister (政丞) and a man of power de facto.
So long as the powerful family of Ki were backed by the might of the Y?an dynasty and empress Ki, they disregarded the royal court, were audacious in action, and bothered the populace in the Whole of Kory?.
As Y?an's power become weakened, seizing an opportunity to declare 'Anti-Y?an policy as the slogan, King Kongmin(1351~1374) denounced Ki family as a traitor, and he ruined the family.

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高麗末 奇皇后 一族의 得勢와 沒落
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